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Women's Re-entry Program


Middle River Regional Jail has partnered with Rockingham / Harrisonburg Commonwealth’s Attorney Marsha Garst and Sue Praill of the Fairfield Center to provide a re-entry program for women returning to the Rockingham / Harrisonburg area. The Pathway Program consists of six-sessions that are presented each quarter. The curriculum is designed for self-reflection, insight to community resources, and providing the opportunity for the participants to share their experiences. The intention of the program is to ignite courage as the individual prepares to return to the community. The program also provides support through literature and guest speakers touching on subjects such as money advisory, probation, Re-Entry coordination, addiction options, parenting, regaining child custody, safe houses, etc.

The participants had the opportunity to provide feedback, thoughts, and ideas each week for topics relevant to them, which allowed the class to be tailored to the needs of the participating individuals. Seven women with release dates of November or sooner participated in the program. In addition to Ms. Garst and

Ms. Praill, community partners included Becky Sours, Self Sufficiency Worker for Rockingham/Harrisonburg Social Services; Jenni Collings of Strength in Peers; Krystle Dove, Domestic Violence Coordinator, and Carrie Landis of Riverside Family Support.

Pictured L-R: Participant Meda Kincaid, Sue Praill of the Fairfield Center, Marsha Garst R'ham/H'burg Commonwealth's Attorney, and particpant Kaia Getz-Raphael.



Staunton | Waynesboro | Harrisonburg | Augusta County | Rockingham County

350 Technology Drive | Staunton, Virginia 24401 | (540) 245-5420

© 2024 The Middle River Regional Jail. This website maintained by MRRJ. Inquiries may be sent to the webmaster here.

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